Weight Loss Over the Age of Forty

Weight Loss Over Age Forty

Weight loss is a challenge at any age. But, after the age of forty women in particular have the added obstacle of having to overcome the hormonal changes in the body. Hormones have a definite impact on weight loss.

Of course, weight training is always recommended, no matter what your age. Unfortunately, in your forties and fifties your body responds differently to exercise. Even when you are burning up the calories, the fat is reluctant to leave, preferring to stay in your body, marbleizing your muscles. You might be surprised to learn that this has to do with the diminishing amount of testosterone in your body as you age.

To combat the decrease of testosterone, a high protein source of whey protein. In research from Finland, scientists gave participants 15 grams of whey isolate both before and after resistance exercises. Muscle biopsy showed an increase in testosterone production of up to 25 percent, which was maintained for 48 hours. Garlic, Cruciferous Vegetables, and Olive Oil are great for helping testosterone metabolism. 

Salmon is a good choice also as it is rich in protein and Vitamin D (and let’s not forget those healthy Omega-3 oils). Broccoli, spinach, beef and lentils is helpful for the iron it provides, building up your red blood cells that in turn carry oxygen to your muscles.

Another less talked about subject is testosterone replacement therapy. Women that already have built a good amount of muscle mass, don’t need it.  However, women with little muscle mass, can greatly benefit from TRT.  There are also many benefits of TRT for women. Testosterone is important for women since it is a major precursor of estradiol production. In premenopausal women, circulating testosterone levels are approximately 10-fold greater than estradiol levels.1 The normal range for testosterone in women is 15 to 70 ng/dL, and by the time women reach their 40s, their blood testosterone levels are approximately one-half less than in their 20s.1 

A man would typically use 190 mg of Testosterone Cypionate a week, to bring his low levels of testosterone up to an optimized level. This optimized level is what a healthy 20 year old male would have if they got their blood work done. A women would be prescibe a much much lesser dose and would need to be monitored more closely through blood work. 

Finally, don’t underestimate the value of weight training 30 minutes to 1 hour a day which will help burn those calories and continue to do so even after the workout is over!

There’s no denying that success in the weight loss department after the age of forty
requires a little more of a concentrated effort.. It’s a harsh reality, but weight loss can be accomplished if you follow these guidelines. Even more importantly, you will be improving your overall health resulting in feeling stronger and healthier. Isn’t that the ultimate goal in any diet regimen?  Contact me to get started on an training plan that is right for you.


 Davis SR, Davison SL. Current perspectives on testosterone therapy for women. Menopausal Med. 2012;20:S1-S4.