Healthy is the New Beautiful

Sherry HarrisHealthy is the New Beautiful

Rev. Sherry Harris, MSW, RSW, Psycho-spiritual counsellor, coach, teacher, healer

Why are we so enchanted when we look into the eyes of a new baby? What do we see in their eyes that is so compelling? I believe it is the purity, the cleanness, the depth we see as if we are looking directly into their soul. It is also the radiant health we see. It is seeing pure potential; life untouched by pollution on any level—body, mind or spirit. We remember just a little how that felt and we long to be there, to feel that pure, that untouched again.

Feeling light and clean is addictive because it feels so good and has so many benefits. It is a natural high. How clean we feel is a direct reflection of how we eat. I am assuming most people reading this have a good grasp of hygiene and keeping their outer bodies clean. Keeping our inner terrain clean is another story and even more important. This requires looking at all the energies that impact us, starting with how we eat. Next is how we think, how we feel, how we practice our spirituality, what we choose to have in our environment and  what we surround ourselves with energetically.

How you eat is a reflection of how much you love yourself. If you think you can put garbage in your system and be high functioning, feel good, and be growing in consciousness, you are wrong. Body, mind and spirit all work in harmony. If you are still eating gluten, dairy and sugar your body is being stressed. It takes a lot energy to detoxify  these three so called foods. Ever noticed how much energy it takes to digest a big meal, how it knocks you out and makes you sleepy? Try juicing for a while, with your digestive energy reduced to a minimum, and  see the rise in your energy level. My suggestion is organic greens 80% and organic other vegetables 20%, juiced or not. I have found juicing so beneficial in terms of promoting cleansing, detoxification, balance, lightness and conscious growth, I can’t imagine how I managed to feel good eating three heavy meals a day. Truth is I didn’t feel good and my energy was very low. Feeling clean and light is so addictive, you’ll find yourself returning to it over and over. It brings a natural high.

Being radiantly healthy brings such flow to life, everything works better.  You may laugh, but I get more parking spots at the front and more green lights. Just a small example of what being in the flow brings. When I love myself and treat my body with love and respect, I draw to divine flow to me and other loving, self respecting people who value themselves and see their connection with all life. Like attracts like. If you want healthy people in your life you must make that commitment to yourself.

If you want to glow, want your light to shine through, detox and juice, green preferably. Your skin will shine, your eyes will glow with a magnificent light from within and your energy will double, at least. You’ll need less sleep, your stress will be reduced as your body is not spending so much time trying to digest indigestible foods. People will notice you’ve lost weight, changed your body shape and are even moving differently. You are showing that you love yourself and that is not only beautiful, but sexy as well, at any age. Vibrant health is contagious. People see you changing, see your light shining through and they want to know what you’ve done. Can’t say this enough—organic green juicing is a  great start. Add to that daily quiet time, gratitude for life and all the experiences it brings including loving, like-minded companions to grow and share with and you are off to a good start in raising your vibration. When you start to show life you value it, love and honour it, life/ consciousness reflects that back to you. When you love yourself, love flows back to you. As above, so below, it is one of the hermetic laws.

I am ready to teach a select number of people who are ready to sky-rocket forward in their consciousness. I want to share how to be really healthy and in so doing how to raise  their vibration significantly. We will be working on cleansing the physical, removing emotional blockages, releasing mental/egoic patterning, and transcending low levels of consciousness by expanding the love we have, not only for ourselves, but all life, all consciousness. We will examine how we eat, think, feel and live our spirituality. We will be growing on all levels and this will take a commitment of 6 weeks, one night a week,  where you are ready to make the needed changes to clean up your life in all areas. Groups will be $180 upfront for 6 sessions, probably on a Monday or Wednesday night, 7-9 pm, and will be limited to 8 people. Insurance receipts will be available covered by most providers. Call me if you are interested, ready to commit to spiritual cleansing and think this group will be a good fit for you. 613-236-8852. I hope to start soon and will do so as soon as I have the right 8 people. I am calling this group–Clean Up Your Life.

Rev. Sherry Harris is a psycho-spirtual counsellor, coach, teacher and healer. She may be reached at 613-236-8852 (preferably) or by email at [email protected]. I am old school, I really enjoy hearing a voice and all the energy it carries.