Customized Workouts By Rob Lagana, Ottawa Personal Trainer

My client Rosy, dropped 145 lbs in 1 year wth my programs and guidance. She wrote her own book about her journey called Breakin’ Free.

Customized Workouts By Rob Lagana, Ottawa Personal Trainer

Welcome to hybrid training concepts where old school bodybuilding collides with new school exercises and equipment! You’ve stumbled upon a professional coach that uses scientifically engineered training phases to help you achieve:

Optimum Fitness
Optimum Fat Loss
Optimum Wellness

Seeking a sense of focus in your approach to exercise training?

I can put you on target AND pave the road toward your prime Bodybuilding, Physique, Figure, Bikini or other fitness goals.

You get a Professional Client Assessment during your Free 30 Min Consultation

We go over your current skills, your goals, your current physical conditioning and your health, eating and training history. As well, we talk about food sensitivities, stress and sleep. I create a Step-by-step, integrated and layered approach to exercise based on your assessment and goals.

You receive a training routine that progressively and safely builds your body.

The program changes monthly and you continue to build stability, strength and power which of course, helps with building or maintaining lean muscle mass. You will even learn how to perform proper HIIT training and integrate it into your plan.

I will customized the routine and it will be designed specifically for your body and your goals, such as Fitness, Weight Loss, Athletic Performance, Figure competition, Physique, Bikini or Bodybuilding competition.

My coaching is based upon a modern system of progressive exercise, called OPT (Optimum Training Performance), which offers 6 levels of training for optimum fitness that uses smaller training phases, regardless of your starting fitness level. Unlike the grand-scale training often associated with traditional bodybuilding, OPT teaches you to manage your fitness goals in smaller increments to achieve the fitness levels you ultimately want. You’ll progress safely, but quickly, using my integrated OPT training methods, scientifically based on the three building blocks of stabilization, strength and power.

These building blocks follow the biomechanical, physiological and functional principles of the kinetic chain in an easy -to-follow, systematic progression that minimizes injury and maximizes results. Get fit and toned with a strong core, or build massive pecs, rock hard abs, thighs of steel…The choice is yours! But it isn’t going to happen just sitting there.

Here’s what you need to do: Contact Me Personally for your free 30 minute consultation.